Metropolitan Holdings Website
Metropolitan Holdings wanted to revamp their website from an outdated and unresponsive design to a modern one that would appeal to two markets: future residents and potential business partners. The redesign involved consolidating information that was previously distributed across multiple pages, making the browsing experience succinct. I designed the look of the website, then collaborated with a web developer for the execution. Check it out! metropolitanholdings.com
Location Pages
Good imagery makes or breaks a website. Wide, panaoramic images were chosen in slider spaces as featured images to sell each location. Key elements such as descriptions, amenities, maps, floorplans, image galleries, and call-to-actions were separated into two concise sections of the page so that important information is easily accessible without much scrolling at all.
Design Elements
Hundreds of floor plan files were provided, elements I saw asan opportunity to use as unique background textures. These textures coupled with color blocks help divide information and allow the website to stand out against competitors.